Thursday 25 October 2012

Just a Narrative

The Doctor came by today.
I have decided to follow her advice: Think in narrative, dont stress the fools.

So basically, not thinking about the actions of sunshine while sunshine plays around and brightens someone else's day. It is quiet the effort.

The Doctor, after approximately 3 years, opened her heart to me...poured it right out. She says she realizes, after all this time, that she is not the victim. Mr. Lonely is. Mr. Lonely is to be left alone and the doctor, not stressing the fool that is Mr. Lonely is to proceed to not think about it and well, think only in factual narrative.

The Doctor is working harder than ever ignoring the stressors.
I will too. Work is the greatest distraction so I will now return to the Moroccan Labour Code.

The Narrative:
Wakes up in the afternoon. Heart to heart with the Doctor. Proceed to waste the entire day. Proceed to invite 2 friends over. Sunshine breaks my heart. Proceed to not stress the fool. Proceed to hugging them goodbye. Proceed to waste some more time on the computer. Proceed to being ignored by Lil Miss. Proceed to lick wounds. Proceed to Sleep.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Inspired By Raji.

Everything she saw became a symbol of the life she had chosen not to take, her anti-existence.
The children in the streets, the groups of friends by the chai stalls, the dogs playing in the streets. Even the beggars in all their aimless, wandering glory who seemed satisfied to sit under the eaves and out of the slight drizzle.

For a minute she regretted choosing to never be satisfied.

But she just wasn't happy with that thought.